Youth Programs

Youth programs are designed to meet the unique needs of young people on all the Southern Gulf Islands from ages 11 to 29. Our programming enables preteen, youth, and young adults to build self-esteem and confidence through learning new community leadership skills.


An Afternoon of Games, Food & Family Fun!

Join the Southern Gulf Islands Neighbourhood House for our first Family Dinner and Games Night on January 12th, from 2:30 PM to 8:00 PM at the Pender Island Legion! The fun kicks off at 2:30 PM with a variety of games, including board games, card games, and activities like shuffleboard, pool, and darts for those young at heart. A delicious spaghetti dinner will be served at 5:00 PM, and everyone of all ages is invited to join in the festivities. It costs $5 per person or $20 per family (kids under 5 eat for free), with complimentary juice and pop. If transportation or cost is a concern, please reach out to us—we want everyone to be able to participate.

To register, email, call (250) 629-3665, or complete the online form.

2024 Activities

Homework Club

Do you need a space to focus on your homework? Maybe you could use some support with your homework or you would like to support others? 

Homework club takes place every Thursday from 5-7pm at the Pender Island Hall. 

It is free to join, no registration necessary, and you will be provided with free drinks and food. 


Youth Advisory Committee with Liam and Maddie

 Online Monthly Meeting via Zoom  
The next date is tbd but will be in January

Games Night!

Magic: The Gathering
Friday Jan 12th, Feb 9th, March 8th 4pm – 8pm in the Lounge – Pender Island Community Hall
Chess, Checkers, Board Games, Card Games etc
Friday January 26th, Feb 23rd , March 22nd  4pm – 8pm in the Lounge – Pender Island Community Hall


Know Your Rights!  Alive after 5 – Young Workers Awareness Program

Friday February 16th 1-3 pm via Zoom

Learn more here


Youth Engagement and Volunteering

The Youth Engagement and Volunteering Initiative commenced in 2017 as a collaborative activity between the Pender Community Hall and the SGICRC.

Our Goals

  1. Engage SGI community youth in volunteerism.
  2. Develop programs to support SGI youth in volunteering.
  3. Create an accessible database of volunteer opportunities for SGI community members.

Past work: In December 2019, funding from Volunteer Victoria broadened the initiative and 51 youth, completed 143 hours of volunteer time with a multitude of organizations. This set the youth engagement and volunteering initiative on track to more than 30 meetups, workshops, a weekly Gardening Party, group biking, group walks and more.

Activities, we currently offer :

  • Weekly Youth Volunteer Hub Meetings
  • Regular Social Events 
  • Creation of Web Resources
  • Regular ‘Volunteer for a Day’ program 
  • Volunteer Opportunity Matching Program
  • Volunteer Mentorship Program 
  • Skills Training
  • Social Media Presence

Previous Programs

Leadership For the Earth

Leadership for the Earth is an outdoor environmental leadership program for Pender Island youth ages 13 – 18.

The program meets biweekly on Friday afternoons for outdoor at-a-distance activities related to outdoor leadership, environmental awareness, and food security.

We also have a monthly newsletter with virtual resources and activities. This program is run in collaboration with the Pender Islands Community Hall.

Across the Ages

This is an initiative run in collaboration between the Pender Islands Community Hall and the Southern Gulf Islands Neighbourhood House.

The intention of this program is to provide an opportunity for intergenerational connection, knowledge sharing, laughter, and collective joy during what is a stressful and isolating time for many people in our communities.

We run virtual programming connecting youth community members (19 and under) and senior community members (55+) in Southern Gulf Islands communities.

Summer 2022 Programs

SGI Non-profit Leaders Network

The monthly meetup is a place for SGI Non-profit Leaders to have a place to discuss issues, trends and connect with each other. With no agenda, topics are diverse, meaningful and very valuable for those in attendance. The next meeting will be held August 5 at 10:30. FMI or to register, email


Pender Pride Picnic and Allyship Week of Activities

Come to the Pender Pride Picnic, August 8 from 12pm-3pm at the Community Hall and enjoy a fun-filled day of face-painting, queer artists and music, arts and crafts, and snacks! Or sign up to volunteer with face painting, set-up and clean-up. In the days before and after, join some of our other fun Allyship Activities that include:

Aug 6, 6 -7 pm at the Pender Community Hall – Start shattering the movie magic, come join us in watching a documentary about conversion therapy.

Aug 11, 5 – 6 pm Virtual workshop – Kick off our “Hot Topic Chats” with the first virtual seminar, where we discuss allyship, LGBTQ+ focused education, resilience and history during the Pender Pride week.

Aug 19 4 -7 pm at the Pender Epicentre- Zine making workshop (live streamed) in collaboration with Youth Activity Night. Come for a fun and celebratory night of making zines to celebrate queer resilience and the beauty of the LGBTQ+ community.

For more information email us  or see our page on Instagram @sgiyouth.

‘Hot topic chats,’ current topics which are affecting young people, Wednesdays – 5-6pm

Come join us to chat and discuss pressing “hot topics’’ which are affecting young people today, such as eco-anxiety, climate change, LGBTQ+ rights, racism, decolonization, mental wellness and wellbeing and how to support yourself so you can support others. These are going to be virtually weekly activities to engage with other young people and figure out what we can do as a community to tackle these topics! Come join us for these weekly virtual workshops on Wednesdays, 5 – 6p m to learn and contribute to the discussion! For more information email or see our page on Instagram sgiyouth.

Youth Activity Night

The Pender Community Hall is partnering with the SGI Neighbourhood House and the Epicentre to host a weekly Youth Night. Registration is required and limited to youth 13 – 21 years old, FMI call 250-629-3669 email

Adventure Earth – Weekly

The Neighbourhood House is partnering with the Pender Community Hall for weekly activity for youth 13 – 18 years interested in outdoor leadership, wilderness skills, environmental leadership, food security, farming skills and civic engagement! Older youth may be interested in joining as assistant leaders! Each week is something different, we may challenge ourselves to climb a mountain, go to a local farm to meet the animals and help in the garden, volunteer to help a local organization, travel off island to a special site, or learn how to lead games and other activities! FMI call 250-629-3669 or email

Heritage Skills Keepers

The Neighbourhood House is partnering with the Pender Community Hall for this fun group. Are you knowledgeable or skilled in self sufficiency skills? Are you a D.I.Y. savant? Are you a Fall Fair champion? The youth and adults of our community need your help! The unpredictability of the world has ignited their desire to gain the lost arts of homesteading and self sufficiency and they would like mentorship and guidance. This group of knowledgeable and want to be knowledgeable, will meet regularly to talk about what skills and experiences are needed to manage more like our homesteader forebearers. Please let us know if you are interested in joining us or what skills you can share. Call 250-629-3669 or email

Shattering the Movie Magic – Movie Debriefing Series

August 6 – bi-weekly, join us for bi-weekly discussions on your favourite movies, beginning with a film about conversion therapy to connect up with local Pride week and continue with other “big box” movies that youth can suggest. We will discuss the issues and feelings that arise when watching movies and will decolonize and apply a critical lens to childhood favourites. It is time to break down the movie magic and get critical! For more information email us or see our page on Instagram sgiyouth.

Food Workshops and Programs

Sunday August 15, 2 – 5 pm

ONLINE! Jam and Chutney Workshop. Join us as we learn to make some delicious blackberry jam and chutney. For more information, contact or call 250-629-3669

Sunday August 22, 2 – 5 pm

ONLINE! Tomato Canning Workshop. Learn about water canning of everyone’s favourite TOMATOES. Don’t forget to take your jar home with you! For more information, contact or call 250-629-3669

Sunday, August 29, 2 – 5 pm

ONLINE! Fermentation Workshop. We’ll be creating a tasty, fermented cabbage today, you won’t want to miss it! For more information, contact


Open Mic and Jam at Pender Community Hall

3:00 – 6:00 Wednesdays at the Farmers Food-only Markets, come and play informally and unamplified. Everyone is welcome; it’s a great environment to express your talents!

Youth 20/20 CAN Project – Southern Gulf Islands

You're Invited!

If you are between 15 and 29 years old you are invited to join the new Youth 20/20 Can Project  connecting youth volunteers in Victoria, Cowichan, Nanaimo, Courtney, Southern Gulf Islands, and Powell River.

What's Expected?

Volunteers share ideas about projects, events, or activities that matter and that they want to lead and manage.  Youth contribute 120 hours of volunteering time before March 31, 2023 and partner with community groups, local businesses, and mentors to turn ideas into reality.

Why Volunteer?

There are a million reasons to volunteer.  The benefits include participation in free training and learning events, building connections and networks, gaining employment skills and references, having fun, meeting new friends, and leading and inspiring change in their community.